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Tourists at Chinese Theatre Another space to put your photo as an insert if you would like. Just use a daytime picture and cut it out to fit in the available space. Have fun.
Chinese Theatre Again, Footprints of Star Wars characters Donald Duck also has footprints here. So does Roy Roger's horse Trigger. A tourist will find hours of pleasure looking at the history represented in the footprints and autographs in the cement walkway.
Courtyard of the Chinese Theatre, Nicholas Cage footprints Past and current stars share the cement. From silent film stars to the latest blockbuster box office attraction, Hollywood's elite are represented at the Chinese Theater.
Hollywood Screams (Horror Movies)
The Chinese Theatre
This photo was taken from directly across the street (Hollywood Blvd.). There are usually a lot of people in the courtyard of the theater looking at and phographing the footprint tiles of their favorite celebrities. Most of the footprints in cement have personal messages written by the star at the time it was autographed into the wet cement.
The Chinese Theatre, different angle
This picture was taken on the same day and shows a wider angle.
Courtyard of the Chinese Theatre
This picture has a space where you can insert your own picture into the front of the Chinese Theatre.
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